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Unser Team

Our flight instructors

long expirience and passion - thats Blue Sky!

David Osten

Motivated by model flying and paragliding, David learned to fly at the age of 14. After obtaining his glider and microlight license, he acquired the PPL (A) in 2012 and became a flight instructor in 2016 on the basis of the CPL training. With 1.150 hours of experience, David has been a flight instructor at Blue Sky Aviation since 2018 and is responsible for standardization.

Holger Pietzarka

Holger moved into the cockpit at the age of 14 and learned to fly without a motor. The result was the PPL-C (gliding license). After learning to fly a plane with an engine, he earned the PPL-B license (known as the TMG today). He also has additional training as a night flight pilot. Holger founded Blue Sky Aviation in 2016 with the aim of opening a flight school for pilots. Holger has more than 3.000 hours of flight experience in Europe, Africa and South America, and is a flight instructor and responsible for administration and technic at Blue Sky Aviation.

Dietmar Hansen

Since childhood Dietmar has always been connected to aviation. He began his training as an air traffic controller and private pilot instructor in Frankfurt-Egelsbach from 1988-1993. Later, he continued his flying career on the NATO air base Geilenkirchen, where he learned to sail and earned a license as a motor glider leader. At Mönchengladbach Airport at Cycon Aviation, he acquired a license to become an aerobatic pilot and is currently a flight instructor for powered airplanes, motor gliders and aviation sports equipment at Goch-Asperden, Kamp-Lintfort and now Blue Sky Aviation. Dietmar has more than 1,000 hours flying experience as a pilot and over 500 hours as a flight instructor. He is married to a pilot and has a daughter.

Allard Ketting

Allard has always had a huge interest in aviation and so it came that he started his flidibg tranining once he became 14 years old.

Later he completed his integrated ATPL(A) training and also became a flight instructor. He first was a CFI in Florida and later his Instructor qualification was converted into an EASA license.

Besides his activities as an instructor, he also is an Airbus A320 Captain and flight instructor. We are happy to welcome Allard to the Blue Sky family as a Flight Instructor. I enjoy to teach flying und pass on my knowledge.

Markus Nied

Markus found his interest in aviation in his early childhood, as his school was located beneath the final approach of an airport. He started his career in 1988 with receiving is PPL with FFL flight school in Mülheim. Markus susequently completed his ATPL training and flight instructor license in 1992 with Sonntag flight school in Hamburg. Ever since, he is working as a flight instructor, eventually he also became a flight examiner. Teaching others not only the ability to fly but also the love of aviation is described by himself as one of his greatest passions. When Markus is on vacation, flying comes with him, either in southern France or the United States of America. His guilty pleasure in aviation is seaplane operations. He pursues his professional career as a pilot and training pilot with Eurowings. For Markus, flying is more than a profession. The passion of aviation as well as bringing this to others who want to learn to fly is his daily motivation to board any airplane. 

Erez Begerano

Erez knew he wanted to be up in the sky since he was 6 years old.

His aviation career began at the Air Force and later, through insights outside the cockpit, Erez learned about the world of Flying from the ground as well.

Next, Erez decided to enter commercial aviation The love for flying extended to become a flight instructor for general aviation.

After successful DLR TEST in 2010 he Joined Lufthansa Flight Training and completed his EASA ATPL (A) certifications. With Experience of over 3500 hours, among others with Lufthansa Group Germanwings and Eurowings, Erez is currently flying for LUFTHANSA on the Airbus A320 family.

Alexander Gerlach

Born and raised in Münsterland and came into contact with aviation at an early age through his parents, who were enthusiastic about flying, so that weekends were preferably spent at the airport.

After graduating from high school and spending time in the German Military, the actual goal of studying medicine was abandoned because, after passing the aptitude test, training to become a commercial pilot took place at a large German airline.

However, the joy of flying with smaller aircraft always remained and so further training to become a flight instructor and examiner took place here too.

Sebastian Wischer

The famous “dream of flying” was actually always there, and even the university of applied sciences couldn’t “stop” him and it initially started as a “student assistant” on the ramp in DUS, then continued with the PPL from 2005 onwards to a long-term job in the OPS of a flight operation in general aviation with later “part-time pilot” from 2010 on the Learjet and the ATPL theory in the bag.

In 2014, he switched to scheduled flight operations, including obtaining the longed-for “4 stripes” and various activities in compliance management.

During the Corona period, the cards were reshuffled and contact with Holger was established and the SEP was quickly refreshed again and a new desire for flying arose with unforgettable tours, almost on our doorstep.

Today Sebastian is flying “back to the roots” in general aviation on a PC12, managing a factory flight operation and looking forward to sharing experiences from almost 5,000 flight hours.